Our highly skilled, dedicated teachers are providing our pupils with quality standards of required academics as well as instilling, most importantly, a religious education, the very backbone of Catholic teaching. Teachers strive to impart a rigorous academic education as well as to formulate the moral integrity and upstanding character of each and every student, both of which are so crucial to their growth and maturity in becoming well-grounded Catholic citizens. To support these youth is to assist them in discovering their pathway, drawing them closer to God in order to fulfill their Divine Purpose.
Miss Margaret Kaye (Klobe): Dean of Students, Alumna
Interim Head of School ([email protected])
[email protected]
Mrs. Catherine Klobe: Co-Founder
Grades 1-2 Teacher
Reading Interventionist
Certified Special Education Lead
Mrs. Janice Lauseng
Art Teacher
Mrs. Teresa Lauseng
Grade 4 Teacher
Mrs. Bridget Weber: Alumna
Curriculum Director
Grades 6-8 Teacher