You may liken this unique Catholic Based School of St. Scholastica Academy to that of a hidden jewel presently cultivating 45 fine students of excellence located in Cambridge, MN. [*now located in Isanti, MN]
What inspired a devout, home schooling mother of 11 children, after taking in up to 25 students, to eventually open up a formal Catholic Based School? It was the necessity to expand a structured, faith-based school to feed the hunger and thirst for truth in the minds and hearts of so many bright and energetic children eager and willing to become students of morality and high academic achievement.
In the year 2000, there began a plan of transitional education enacted by a couple of extaordinary women who were neighbors and good friends---Mrs. Catherine Klobe and Mrs. Laurie Boniarczyk, both faithful to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. By way of Divine Providence they connected with Father James Hahn, pastor of Christ the King Parish in Cambridge, who so generously allowed Klobe and Boniarczyk to use several empty rooms in his parish hall to hold classes. He enthusiastically ecnouraged these two teachers with his blessing and support.
Prayerfully prepared, with much courage and sound docrinal teaching, St, Scholastica HSC Academy opened its doors to all school aged children ranging from K - 9th grade.
Klobe's well respected aunt, Sister Scholastica, was greatly admired in her day. After her death, Klobe named the new school in her honor. Involving the saintly nun's intercession to build up the school's reputation emphasizing the Truth of Gospel teaching, reflective of St. Scholastica's stellar example of faith and values, her worthy task was just beginning.
Currently there are a half dozen highly skilled, dedicated teachers providing students with quality standards of required academics as well as instilling, most importantly, a religious education, the very backbone of Catholic teaching. St. Scholastica' offers a no-nonsense approach with a safety net of catechized educational discipline. The students well know what is expected of them, conducting themselves with ultimate self-respect in unifom, guided and motivated towards developing a sense of Christ-like accountability and awareess of personal responsibilihy. The faculty are driven by a burning desire, truly making a difference as prayer-centered educators. Several teachers have given up optional well-paying postiitions to serve these students at a very minimal fee. These teacers agree with the way children really need to be taught in these times of conflicting societal challenges. Along with the other teachers, measured by her own experience, Klobe is engaging in the day to day concerns to formulate the moral integrity and upstanding character of each and every student which definitely matters to her because it is so vitally crucial to their growth and maturity in becoming well grounded Catholic citizens. To support these youth is to assist them in dicovering their pathway, drawing them closer to God in order to fulfill their Divine Purpose. Steeped in tradition, Klobe chose a motto for the school: HERI SIMUL CRAS - "Yesterday, as well as tomorrow in Truth", thereby maintaining a faith filled mission deeply influenced by the Divine Spirit of true Chrsitianity.
St. Scholastica Academy has faced the difficulty of meeting the needs of all learning styles of indivisual children. The most effective and successful combination that works on behalf of the students is when parents and teachers collaborate as partners. It is absolutely essential that parents stay invested in their child's progress and academic goals. This requires personal sacrifice on the part of the parents as well as the teachers.
Klobe fondly states that St. Scholastica Academy students, "pour their hearts out" every year in preparing and parcticing for their most joyous and outstanding Christmas Program which is well performed and well attended. A second highlight most notable is the annual May Crowning where all the children simply and beautifully process together, with flowers in hand to place before Our Lady's statue, and honor her by singing songs which touch the hearts of all who are present.
Students enrolled at St. Scholastica Academy have tested up to 25 points higher on state tests than average public school students. There is more good news. St. Scholastica Academy is reaping the rewards of its spiritual fruits: two former graduates have gone on to receive their teaching licesces and return to teach.
Financially, the school has struggled throughout its inception and is open to receiving any contributions that would come their way. Tuition is based on a sliding scale fee, but there is never enough to cover educational materials or the monthly payroll of the teachers. All donations are welcome!
Overall, the beneficial value of St. Schoalstica Academy is best described by the students themselves. With heartfelt love and conviction of truth there is no one better to express their thoughts than these articulate individuals:
Tess reports that after three years at St. Scholastica Academy "I am at the top of my class. It was the best thing that could have happened to me academically." Kelsey is pleased with the "one on one attention" and says her "dedicated teachers are awesome." She believes she has grown in her values and claims the school is like "one huge family". Beth is convinced "everyone is popular" and "gets the attention needed". Lauren is happy that "the teachers are all nice" and "everyone gets recess time". John says "St. Scholastica is strict but not too strict" as well as that he's getting a "good and strong education that builds a good and strong future." A couple of third graders, Michael and Curtis, like reading stories, playing with clay in art class, and think "they are learning a lot". Second grader Nathan loves "doing fun projects" and enjoys science class. Heather really likes math, along with Amanda's appreciaon for her "most important religious education". Ann sums it up in her own terms: "Everyone fits in" and notes "the teachers are patient and help us until we understand."
The children's testimony has clearly defined the central core value of their beloved school by sharing their own personal experience well worth its weight in gold. Obviously this hidden treasure of advanced Catholic education is quite evident at the polished jewel of St. Scholastica HSC Academy.
Written by Cynthia Speltz