Integral to our mission is the formal study of the Roman Catholic Faith following the age-old traditions of the Catholic Church. Not only do we study the Catholic Faith, but we also strive to provide an all-pervasive culture steeped in Catholicism. In our curriculum, and in all we do, we strive to be consistent with Catholic values and tradition.
All students, including non-Catholics, are required to attend all religious education classes, Masses, and prayer services, and adhere to the religious education expectations established by the school. Students are expected to show respect for the Catholic Faith in all they say and do.
The school begins each day with prayers. As a whole, we also gather at noon for the Angelus and mid-day prayers. The school day is then ended with prayer. Mass is celebrated weekly at which the students participate by serving and reading. Proper behavior and reverence at Mass is expected. Seasonal prayer and holy days are celebrated throughout the school year.